Wednesday, June 5, 2013

History and Social Science in the Preschool Classroom

     The purpose of history and social studies in the preschool classroom is to help the children adjust and become productive and kind members of a classroom community.  Students learn social skill through the problem solving process, and respect and appreciate others for their differences and recognize their similarities.  We begin teaching young children about themselves and the world around them.

     An example of social studies instruction in a thematic unit from, "Chicka, Chicka, Boom, Boom,"  is children introduce themselves at the beginning of the year by completing a page about themselves that will be shared and put together in a class book.  The template for this book can be found on the website, scroll down and look under the title literacy activities.    

To view a Pinterest board with other preschool social studies ideas, please click here.

To view the Virginia Foundation Blocks for Early Learning, please click here

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