Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Science in the Preschool Classroom

     In the preschool classroom, children learn about science in the world around them through observation of the physical world and real experiences.  Teachers chart, graph, and record data taken from the students own words.  Also, we assist children and teach them to begin charting, graphing, and recording their own observations through drawing and writing.

     And again, science is embedded in thematic units of study full of rich hands on experiments.  The example that I have been using throughout my blog has been the use of the book, "Chicka, Chicka, Boom, Boom."  We will once again, revisit this unit and see how it incorporates science.  On the first day, we pass around and discuss what we think is inside and how a real coconut feels.  Second, I open the coconut up with a hammer in front of the children, and we pour out the milk.  I let the children feel and smell what's inside of the coconut.  One the third day, we taste real coconut and shredded coconut and graph which one is our favorite.  Finally, the class makes a coconut fruit salad with the following ingredients: 

1 cup of cherries
1 cup of mandarin oranges
1 cup of pineapple chunks
1 cup of sliced banana
1 cup of shredded coconut 

Mix together all ingredients and serve.   

To view Pinterest board with more preschool science activities, please click here.   

To view the Virginia Foundation Blocks for Early Learning, please click here.  

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