Tuesday, June 4, 2013

What is a High / Scope Preschool?


     The High / Scope Curriculum is a play based, hands-on method of teaching that is used throughout Henry County Public Schools.  Children use real materials, not worksheets, to learn critical thinking, problem solving, and academics.  We still teach letters, letter sounds, numbers, science, and social studies.  However, students actually use sandpaper letters and numbers, magnetic letters and numbers, books, seed collections, cooking activities,  field trips, games, songs, and chants to do so.  All instruction is based on the Virginia Foundation Blocks for Early Learning.  

     Our curriculum stresses a loving, supportive environment for all children.  We embrace family involvement within the classroom, and give parents multiple opportunities to interact with children in the school setting.  We want this to be a successful and enjoyable year of education with your family.   

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