Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Literacy in the Preschool Classroom

          Studies show that children need repeated experiences with listening, speaking, reading, and writing with an interested, supportive, and responsive adult to become good readers.  When children are immersed in a print rich environment with repeated story telling, rereading of favorite books, and one-on-conversations with a caring adult, it helps them succeed in reading and language activities.  This is the environment our preschool program strives to provide.

     We use thematic units of instruction to make learning fun and interactive.  For example, the book, "Chicka, Chicka, Boom, Boom," is a favorite for many preschool children.  At the beginning of the year, children tour the school after reading this book and meet faculty and staff and visit different areas of the building.  We use a song based on the book to do this.  Also, we may introduce the letters of the alphabet, and reread this book many times throughout the year.  In conjunction with this, we will introduce an alphabet journal, and revisit it throughout the year.  These are just a few of the literacy activities in this unit, we would also integrate mathematics, science and social studies.

     We give the children experiences singing the letters, repeatedly reading with the letters, and drawing and creating in journals with the students.  Children use sites such as Starfall and, in some cases, pair with older children to use iPads and various apps to get hands-on experience with literacy.

To see my literacy board on Pinterest, please click here.   

To see the Virginia Foundation Blocks for Early Learning, please click here.

To see my literacy board on Pinterest, please click here.    


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