Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Program Requirements

     If you are reading this blog, your child is now a student in Henry County Public School's VPI Preschool Program.  Our preschool program is free and follows a full day schedule and the same yearly calendar as all students within grades K-12 in our school system.  The only exception is that preschool children come only one of the first three days of school On this day, your child will only have class for a half day, and my assistant and I will come to your home for our first home visit that afternoon.  If you have not already received this, I will  send your family a welcome postcard inviting you to a business day conference.  During business day, I will give you a day for your child to attend during the first three days of school and an approximate time for your home visit.  Feel free to ask for changes if necessary, I will try my very best to work with your schedule.
     All children are provided with transportation to and from home within their school zone.  Also, we provide breakfast, lunch, and snack daily; and children have a designated nap time.  Many field trip opportunities are provided to the students at no cost to parents.  Parents are encouraged to accompany their child whenever possible.  To do so, all parents must pay for their own personal tickets (not their child's) and have a completed criminal background check on file at the school.

You are required to complete the following in our program: 

1. Attend a beginning of the year conference on business day with the teacher.

2. Attend two parent workshops during the year.

3. Complete two home visits with the teacher and another accompanying adult.  One home visit will take place in the fall.  The second home visit will be in the spring.

4. Attend one end of the year conference at the school with your child's teacher.

For more information about our preschool program click here.  


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